PrintsField – custom socks

PrintsField – custom socks

Ordinary, monochrome socks have always seemed boring to me, which is why I always bought some funny ones. The funny prints on the socks make me feel good and reveal a little of my dynamic personality. Even when I adopt a seemingly serious, sober outfit, a pair of printed socks is hidden in the shoes. From birds, to animals, from hearts to quotes, I like them all equally and they can be found in my collection. What I didn’t have, instead, was a pair of socks with … me! Yes, yes, with my picture! That’s exactly what a budding narcissist was missing, isn’t it? But it’s okay, the people from PrintsField solved the problem, they sent me a pair of printed socks with my picture, from USA.

About PrintsField

You must be wondering who are the people that created this colorful and fun place. Well, behind the scene there is Jakub (definitely a dog person) and together with his fellow worker and best friend – Mykhailo – decided to establish a space where all passionate people will find unique accessories expressing their love towards their beloved family members, pets and colors. PrintsField has been rapidly growing powered by their uncontrollable creativity, unshakeable faith in their goal, as well as selfless help of their friends and family members who support them with their unique abilities and talents such as creating texts, designs and website built. Together, they built this magic world.

PrintsField is all about happiness, bright colours, surprise and help. Is the place where you can choose your favourite bright-coloured designs, personalize them with your pet’s picture, impress everyone with the unique accessories or surprise your friend with a great gift and – at the same time – help our four-legged brothers. Because yes, PrintsField helps animal shelter, and transfers 1% from each purchase to ”Schronisko Bezdomnych Zwierzat w Jozefowie” animal shelter.

My PrintsField Socks

First of all, I must admit that I was very surprised by how quickly this package reached me. It took exactly 5 working days for the package to arrive from the USA to Romania. Then I was impressed by the quality of the socks themselves. Not only that the print is extremely realistic and legible, but they are made from a superior quality material. To be honest, it doesn’t look like anything from the romanian socks market.

The downside of these socks would be that I ordered my measure, but they are too big for me and fit my husband. But there’s no problem, he wears it with pleasure from what I noticed. We even have fun on this topic, we usually say that he has a wife so jealous that she customized socks with her picture. 😀

In the end

The socks with my picture impressed and amused both the people I interacted with, and who noticed them. I conclude that it was a very good idea to place this order and to be honest, I am considering customizing other pairs.

By the way, if you also love the idea of ​​having unique socks, printed with whatever you want, I have a 20% discount code for you. Just use the ”ioanaspavel20” code at checkout.

And now, tell me, what do you think about my new socks?

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